Online Return Policy

Before-Your-Order-Ships Cancellation: You may cancel your order for a full refund at any time before your equipment is shipped from our warehouse. Equipment generally ships within three business days from the day you place your order, Monday-Friday. To cancel your order, contact a Precor representative to discuss.

Once-Your-Order-Has-Shipped Cancellation: If you cancel your order after it has shipped from our warehouse, but prior to delivery and installation to you, we will refund the cost of the equipment, but not the cost of shipping. To cancel your en-route order, you must contact a Precor representative to discuss.

After Delivery Return: We are unable to accept returns after the product has been delivered to you or installed. If there is an out-of-box problem or an operating issue occurs during installation, the installer will fix the issue or a service technician will be dispatched to your home at no cost to you. Precor takes pride in assuring that your new equipment is in perfect working order at the conclusion of the delivery and installation. If the technician deems the product to be inoperable, Precor will replace the defective unit. 


Precor prides ourselves on delivering the highest-rated customer service in the industry. Do you need help with an existing Precor product? Help is just a phone call away by calling 1.800.347.4404 or contact them via this link - Customer Service